Busting Myths About Carbohydrates
Let’s discuss the benefits of carbohydrates and bust common myths!
Individual needs: The recommended dietary intake for carbohydrates depends on many factors, such as:
Current Health Status
Consult with your primary care provider or a registered dietician to determine the daily intake that is best for YOU! :)
What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that serves as the body’s primary source of energy! Aim to consume more complex than simple carbohydrates:
Complex Carbs: These types of carbs break down slowly in the body that provide long lasting energy! They are also good sources of vitamins, minerals, & fiber.
Beans and legumes
Simple Carbs: These types of carbs break down easily in the body, providing quick bursts of energy but won’t keep you full for long! They typically lack nutrients & fiber.
White rice
White bread
Soda and Candy
Cakes and Pastries
Natural Vs. Free Sugars:
Natural sugars are commonly found in dairy products, fruits, and in some vegetables.
Dairy: Cow’s milk, unsweetened almond & soy milk
Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, & oranges
Vegetables: Beets, bell peppers, carrots, & sweet potatoes
Fiber assists the gradual digestion of sugar!
Free sugars are added to products as “refined table sugar.” They even can be found naturally in some foods like fruit juices and honey.
Provide “empty calories”
Contain little to no nutritional value
High in calories & low in essential nutrients
Low-Carb Diet Trends: Ask your doctor if a low-carbohydrate diet is good for you before you limit yourself! These diets can be beneficial for certain health conditions.
Did you know that low-carb diets can lead to mood swings? Natural sugar is fuel to the brain! Restricting carbohydrates can reduce chemicals released that stabilize our moods.
Just because some people lose weight on a low-carb diet does not mean it is safe! Restricting carbohydrates puts your body in a ketogenic state which is extremely hard to reach & maintain. The long-term effects are currently unknown!
Common Misconceptions:
“All carbohydrates are bad.”
“All carbs cause weight gain.”
“Carbs should be cut for optimal health.”
FALSE! Carbohydrates are essential for providing adequate energy and vital nutrients. Complex carbs are nutrient dense! They fuel the brain, promote healthy digestion, and support optimal health & well-being.