Food Education

Through Lynn Grows, we hope to plan and implement an experiential learning strategy to shift behavior and health outcomes related to food for Lynn residents using the activities below:

  • Identify and research different mediums to promote food education

    • Learn from existing food education strategies in Lynn and Massachusetts (particularly areas with similar demographics) about successes and challenges. (i.e., web based video education, social media, conferences, conventions, TV shows, experiential learning programs, etc.)

  • Identify and research the strengths and opportunities of local cuisine

    • Engage and learn from residents about culturally relevant food in Lynn

    • Conduct analysis of the health impacts of culturally relevant food for residents in Lynn

  • Develop and implement multi-year food education strategy

    • Developing partnerships with institutional stakeholders to research, develop and implement a multi-faceted education approach to shift health outcomes related to food for Lynn residents.  In partnership with residents:

      • Adjust/compliment culturally relevant recipes that feature more local produce and healthy options

      • Develop educational outreach efforts to raise awareness of the local food system, healthy eating, and advocacy around the Lynn Grows Vision

      • Provide experiential cooking and food interaction to shift health outcomes